Showing posts with label DoonDiscs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DoonDiscs. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2014


Remember that time the Lost Collector wrote a post about how lists were lame, and it rubbed Night Owl the wrong way?  That was funny.

I'm happy to say that for as much grief as I give AJ (The Lost Collector), I consider him a friend and one of the best people I've met as a result of this blog business.  

So before my last post tomorrow, in honor of AJ, I wanted to stroll down memory lane and list out my Top 9 favorite blog moments from the last three years.  Why 9?  Because 7 ate 9.  Wait, no that's a punch line to one of my 4 year old's jokes.  Why 9?  Because.... I couldn't come up with 10.

Here they are, sort of ranked and sort of not:

#9 : Auctions/Gifts From Cleve:

Obviously auctions at Cleve's were a major part of my blog.  My involvement with Cleve's won't end with the ending of the blog thankfully.  And I'm still stunned by some of the incredible cards that Cleve has given me over the years:

Yes that's a Triple Threads dual autograph book card of Evan Longoria and Josh Hamilton.  It is indeed.

I guess these aren't directly tied to the blog, but they are so nice and Cleve is so awesome that they need to be on the countdown.

#8 :  Dayf sends me the best card I ever received from another blogger:


As you may recall, I made a lazy, half ass attempt to get George Will, my hero, on a card in Allen & Ginter.  It went nowhere, but did result in me receiving a custom made Will A&G card, courtesy of everyone's favorite Cardboard Junkie.

#7:  AJ Gets Ranced:

Speaking of exchanging cards between bloggers, I was very proud of what I sent AJ after he made a smart ass remark about some tainted cards I had opened.  His post is perhaps my favorite post related to my blog from another blogger.

I also want to send a kudos to Cardboard Catastrophes for the best title of a post about a trade with me:  Paper Products From a Paper Product.  That was brilliant, and Jeff is a fantastic writer and generous dude.

#6:  Etopps Scandal:

This is as close to fame in the baseball card world as I ever got.  I was mentioned on eTopps message boards and it led to a mild scandal.  It's a weak 15 minutes of fame grant you, but it's mine.

#5:  Hot Dog Tournament:

I know this was a stupid bit on my part, but it was a blast.  My stomach didn't appreciate it, and I won't do it again, but it was fun to write.  It's also been fun to re-live all the matchups and the controversies that occured.  What a thrilling tournament!

#4:  The Becky Bridwell Interview:

I was pretty of proud of this one.  It's as close to journalistic "work" as my blog ever got.  Adventures of Napkin Doon is not interview-centric at all, but the interview with Oriole's prospect Parker Bridwell's mom was fun, and she was an awesome person to correspond with.

#3:  Doon Discs:

This was a totally stupid spoof of phiten discs, but it was a wonderful creative release.  I was also able to use artwork from stuff I received from AJ and Dayf to make the "discs".

#2:  My Collecting "Food" Pyramid:


Other than my first Big Fun Game, this post was one I got the best response to early in my blogging days.  I think the analogy still holds up for me as a collector.  In fact, the comparison of junk wax to candy was spot on for me personally, because I'm getting to the age where splurging on either really makes me feel like crap.  I think it was my best "contribution" to the "blogosphere."

#1:  George Will Sends Me An Autographed Card:

Sure, this is number one for purely selfish reasons.  But getting an autographed card from George Will, and having his assistant tell me he was amused with my letter still gives me chills.  Best autograph I have by far.  This alone was worth starting the blog.

I'm sure there are a few things I'm forgetting that should make this list, but for now, that's it, that's the list. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Available Now: DoonDiscs

Feeling a little lethargic towards your baseball card blog lately?  Can’t seem to find inspiration for that next post?  Don’t feel like scanning yet another Allen & Ginter card?

Fret no more friends, your problems could possibly be over!  Introducing DoonDiscs ™, a legitimately randomly provoked conceptual specified beingness product designed to enrich your life force and fulfill applicable tendencies.

Simply by applying DoonDiscs ™ to your skin, your blogging perhaps will come free and easy, and at a high level of aptitude.  LiquidNapkin ™ technology has been embedded into each disc, encouraging rapid movement in your brains creative neurobules.  Relaxed and refreshed and creative- that is how you might feel.
After trying our discs and allowing your mind to be easily persuaded, you might discover that DoonDiscs ™  are indispensable for relieving stress and fatigue from your blogging mind. Doon Discs come in three mind numbingly cool designs.    In all aspects of baseball card blogging – thinking about baseball cards and writing about baseball cards – DoonDiscs can help maximize your potential creativity and interestingness. This is why so many top bloggers will consider using NapkinDoon ™  products.

We’ve customized 3 different styles of DoonDiscs ™ to maybe pinpoint specific blogging challenges:

  • Standard Disc:  This is the original DoonDisc and is designed to help all aspects of blogging.

(Note: These are factory prototypes and centering will be corrected on first official production run)

Each DoonDisc is thoroughly processed through our 3 step neurobule enhancing rigmarole. 
  1. Each DoonDisc is pressed between two of my little boy’s toy magnets.  The magnetic force is captured between the fibers of the DoonDisc ™  and ready to be released into your body upon application.  The effect this will have upon your body is uncertain, but we are quite certain it is at least harmless, and perhaps even beneficial.
  2. Then DoonDiscs ™ are gently nestled overnight in the middle of “Blood Meridian” by Cormac McCarthy, the greatest book ever written.  Through osmorpedosis, the words and writing style of this masterpiece will absorb into each DoonDisc and will then release into your body upon application. 
  3. Finally, each DoonDisc is spritzed with Lysol. Lysol, along with the magnetic force and Cormac McCarthly words is the heart of LiquidNapkin ™ technology.  The rest is a company secret, but I assure you it is nothing gross or untoward.
Placement of DoonDiscs is left entirely to the discretion of each individual.    Our researchers interviewed several meth addicts as to which areas of the body were most conducive to absorbing substances, and apparently there are no bad places.  “Under the tongue” was a popular response, but your DoonDisc will quickly lose stickiness if applied to this area, plus the Lysol spray will not taste good.

For a limited time, DoonDiscs ™ are available free to followers of this blog.  If you wish to be a better blogger or a better person in general please accept a sample of DoonDiscs ™ with our compliments.  Please leave a comment on this post and tell me which style DoonDisc ™ you would like.  Then please send me your address, along with a reminder of the DoonDiscs ™ you want by email to Napkindoon@gmail.dotcom.

Monday, July 16, 2012

PhanPhest Part Phour: Phiten Phullocrap

One of the more interesting booths at FanFest was the Phiten booth.  I’ve always been curious about Phiten products and popped in to check them out.  For those not up to speed, Phiten makes those rope looking necklaces that you see on a lot of MLB players.  Apparently, they are supposed to provide energy or balance your magnetic field or something like that.  

I was immediately greeted by a very nice young Asian girl who asked me if I had any pains. 

“Sure I do, but they’re over at a table having a snack right now.”  Bada-bing!

Actually, I didn’t say that, but it would have been hysterical if I had.  I told her I didn’t have any pains, so she asked me to hold my right arm our with the palm of my hand facing up.  The then asked me to bend my fingers backwards toward my body and asked if I could feel tension in my forearms.  The massive, rippling, muscles in my forearm tugged a little, and I said “yes.” 

She then peeled off what looked like a small round bandaid and placed it on the part of my forearm where I said I could feel tension, and then just looked at me and nodded her head.   We stood there in silence for a few moments, and then for whatever reason, I said “Great.” 

She nodded and peeled the sticker off my arm and asked me to do arm exercise again.   I felt the same tension,  and I wasn’t sure if that was what was supposed to happen or not.  I nodded my head and said “Great,” again.  I was hoping to get some sort of explanation of what just happened, but instead she ushered me over to an iPad where I could put in my email address and get some discs decorated with my favorite team logo.  I put in a phony email address and asked for Rangers stickers. 

“No Rangers,” she said.

I asked for the Royals.  “No Royals” she said.

I asked for the Yankees. “No Yankees” she said.

I looked into the box and saw the Angels among some other teams.  I hate the Angels.  But I figured if I was going to be sticking these on my body, it would be as if the Angels were sucking me on…  well, I chose the Angels stickers.  I looked around at the cases of  necklaces a little, and was disappointed no one offered to let me try one on. 

I’ve always thought the Phiten necklaces and bracelets were pretty cool looking, but besides them being expensive I didn’t understand what the point was.   If any Phiten exectutive is reading this, please accept my apologies if you think I’m bashing your company, and please feel free to send me a Rangers necklace or wristband.  I assure you I will give it a fantastic write up, and even if it does nothing for me, I will say that it does. 

I'll take one of these Mr./Mrs. Phiten Executive

I spent some time on Phiten’s website trying to figure out what their products are supposed to do.   Turns out, Phiten doesn’t really seem to know what they are supposed to do either.  Maybe there is a smug pretty boy out there that can help.  Cue CJ Wilson (by the way, this quote is direct from the Phiten website):

“I first tried Phiten during spring training in 2005, when recovering from my elbow surgery. I tried RAKUWA Necklace and Power Tape and felt difference. After that, I visited the Phiten shop three times a year when our team has a game in Seattle. At the shop there, I learnt (sic) a lot about products and tried them one after another. As I used a lot of products including the drinking water and bed pad, I became more interested in Phiten. I often give Phiten shirts and socks to my teammates as a present wishing them to feel the power of Phiten that I believe.”

First of all…. My God he looks like such an ass.  Yes, I know he dates some ridiculously hot girls, so good for him.  I also suspect this quote went through some translations before landing on the website.  I’m curious about the linking of the drinking water and bed pad.  I would mention these items separately if I were CJ, because it sounds like he has a bed wetting problem. 

I can tell you that I have had an open mind to these discs and currently have 4 stuck to my lower back, which has been stiff lately.  Other than the lovely wife asking why the hell I have stickers on my back, I haven’t noticed much change.  But I’m keeping them on, hoping that I too can believe I can feel the power of Phiten.

Once I experienced the power of Phiten, I used it more and more”
-CJ Wilson

“Once I experienced the placebo effect of Phiten Discs, I figured I could make some too”
-Napkin Doon

That’s right.  DoonDiscs are coming, starting tomorrow.  Get in line kids.