I wouldn't say I would NEVER buy a box of Topps Finest, but I don't see the point. With a little patience, you can pick up the base cards very cheaply off sportlots.com, even some of the refractors. I know the same can be said about pretty much all sets, but Finest seems to have a really pronounced gap between retail price, and secondary market prices per card.
I am a fan of Finest in general, but not sure if the 2013 set does it for me. There are a couple of neat insert sets this year, and I may get the Rangers that are on those cards. Otherwise, I find the base set a little boring. It's just a scroll of dots across the card with FINEST at the top. No logos or anything. Maybe some will like the simplicity of the design, and maybe I will too after some time to pontificate on the matter.
Anyway, I ordered a handful of cheap base cards off sportlots.com and they arrived Saturday. The Beltres above are all different- the one on the left is an x-fractor, the center is the base and the right is the standard refractor. I may chase the red and green and other color versions of the Beltre card too, and make a cool rainbow page in my Rangers binder. Below are the other cards I got, just because.