Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Card Show Recap Part 2: The Expensivies

Something I haven't done at a card show in a long time is purchase a "nice" card.  I usually only end up with dime box material, which is fun- don't get me wrong, but I usually only get my nicer cards online or at Cleve's auctions. 

As I said yesterday, we had a pretty nice card show this weekend and I came across a few things I'm pretty proud of:

I've been trying to get a good deal on a Mike Moustakas auto card for a while now.  Moustakas absolutely tore it up during his AA stop here in NW Arkansas (NW Arkansas Naturals), which is where my interest stems.  I got what I thought was a good deal on this Bowman Sterling auto'd rookie.

Speaking of former Naturals, I also picked up this Aaron Crow relic and Wil Myers Bowman Chrome rookie at great prices.

I didn't neglect my Rangers either. 
Last but not least, I picked up this Fergie Jenkins Triple Threads relic for only $5.  Jenkins is one of those guys that I think I may start collecting.  He's a HOFer, a former Ranger, his cards aren't too expensive and from what I've seen in interviews, he seems like a really decent guy.


Josh D. said...

That's one of the most beautiful posts I've seen in awhile. 3 awesome Royals...then the blue color-scheme continues all the way down the page.

JediJeff said...

Not sure if I like that purple on the Jenkins, but in general that is a very nice card.

Fuji said...

Nice purchases. I'm like you... most of my nicer cards come from online purchases. 90% of my show purchases usually come from the dime box, but I just can't pass up the opportunity to find a hidden treasure.